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Outland Arts Insider News letter issue 2


"The Mutant Epoch is about humankind's attempt to reclaim some semblance of civilization, calling upon its best and boldest to uncover the lost knowledge and power of the old ones."

Buy Hardcover Book $36.99 at rpgnow.com       Buy Print Version $27.99 at Amazon.com     Buy PDF $12.99
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Welcome to the second issue of Outland Arts Insider, our bi-monthly email newsletter. As there are many new subscribers to this online publication, we thought we'd explain a bit about it. Many of you have already purchased a copy of The Hub Rules and signed up for the mailing list in the last few days, while some of you have been on the TME inform list for a couple of years.
Just a reminder that if you bought the Hub Rules, being on the mailing list and being a member of Society of Excavators (SOE) is not the same thing. Anybody can be on the mailing list whether they bought the game or not, however only purchasers of the The Mutant Epoch Hub Rules can become SOE members. If you did buy a copy and want SOE membership now, see page 218 of your TME Hub Rules book for how to do this, then reply to this email with your SOE membership password and other details.

For those of you new to Outland Arts Insider, this newsletter briefly covers everything Outland Arts has on the go, including games, art and assorted books, giving their publication status if they are not already available. Our flagship property is The Mutant Epoch, a tabletop adventure role-playing game, as well as the art, fiction and other merchandise in the works to support this post apocalyptic milieu. We also produce stock art sets for gamers, publishers of fantasy novels and games through our Fantasy Clip Inks line, along with limited edition lino prints, and a wide assortment of merchandise through various online fulfillment sites such as

The Mutant Epoch is now available for sale as both a 246 page soft cover book or hyperlinked PDF. We are adding the book to various online outlets and eager to get books in the brick and mortar stores as soon as possible. Right now you can get the PDF for $12.99us at RPGnow, Drivethru RPG, Your Games Now.com, and the printed softcover book at lulu.com . We are just waiting to hear back on the status of softcover and a hardcover version available through RPGnow.com. The hardcover will sell for $36.99. Regardless of what version of the book you buy, or where, purchase automatically  includes membership in the Society of Excavators and access to all the growing source material found in the member’s only section of the  website.


In The Pipes

We are in the interior art stages and final proof read stage for both the adventure TME-1 The Mall of Doom and  the full version of Pitford, Gateway to the Ruins.
As a member of the Society of Excavators, you can download the free Pitford Lite version and the sample adventure The Crevice.


Target Site

In this issue we want to draw your attention to a couple of websites  hosted by  folks who have helped spread the word about The Mutant Epoch, but so too, sites which have excellent post apocalyptic or general tabletop gaming content

 The first is Roleplayers Chronicle.com , who I just learned about. Its probably the largest, most in depth RPG news site I've seen. Clicking their link takes you to the page they set up for TME.

A Field guide to Doomsday, which is a beastiary for Mutant Futures, Gamma World, and assorted post-apocalyptic wastelands. We hope to get involved here somehow.

Green Skeleton Gaming Guild An excellent general gaming site. Plenty of great stuff to get immersed in.

And have you fantasy miniatures gamers seen this excellent stuff?  Inked Adventures does some very nice hand drawn modular dungeon sections.

 That's it for now. We'll be adding more sites next issue.

Gear Up

We'll get back to creating more merchandise in a few weeks, since our focus now is on marketing the TME Hub Rules book and working on the art for The Mall of Doom, however, we do have some items of interest to gamers of all genre tastes at our  outland arts zazzle.com store  such as this huge 23 x 29 dice poster.

Polyhedron dice circle lino Outland Arts Posters 23x29” unframed $25.65



Have you seen the movie The Book of Eli? Loved it, and was so deeply drawn in that I didn't really notice the soundtrack as much as I normally do in movies. But, now that I have discovered the wonders of grooveshark.com, I have found the soundtrack to The Book of Eli and highly recommend it... if you like that sort of thing: http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/album/The+Book+Of+Eli/4651550?src=5

I am not sure why these military hand signals are on this legal site, which states:
Collections and litigation services for individual and corporate clients in Washington DC and worldwide, but wow, what a great resource!:  http://www.lefande.com/hands.html

Finally, check this out... RPG Podcasts.com, A directory of freely available audio and video shows about role-playing games. Gawd, How I'd love to get a The Mutant Epoch podcast started. I have the books, just need the equipment and time. Maybe this summer....



Fan Creator Contest
What we're trying to do here is to get players and GMs of the Mutant Epoch to create content for our fan created content section in the SOE members area. We will do a d20 dice roll for he winner as soon as we have 20 entries.

Eligibility: Must be a registered Society of Excavator member. All fan created creatures, relics, NPCs, fiction adventures, websites, fan pages, setting resources or other gaming aides. One chance to win per entry.


Prize: Printed copy of The Mutant Epoch adventure TME-1:: The Mall of Doom, plus the shown original ink illustration of a moaner from the Mall of Doom adventure book.



William McAusland
Creative Director
Outland Arts / The Mutant Epoch RPG / Fantasy Clip Inks
web sites:  http://www.outlandarts.com or http://www.mutantepoch.com
Blog  http://themutantepoch.blogspot.com/
Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/mutantlord
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMutantEpoch
email:  info@outlandarts.com


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