
The Outland Arts mission statement
We at Outland
Arts love what we do and have been role-playing gamers for
decades, and among these, several are professional or
emerging artists, writers, and graphic designers, with each
and every partner being very interested in both Fantasy and
post-apocalyptic or near future settings. The core members,
and their own spouses and friends, have been playing The
Mutant Epoch for over a decade, using various incarnations
of the game mechanic.
mission was to make this setting and rules system
into a well edited, lavishly illustrated, extensively
supported and heavily play tested role-playing game, and to
expand from the game into comics, art books, posters and
prints as well as full length fiction. Almost
without fail, we are all fans of futuristic books and
movies, such as The Terminator, Blade runner, Aliens,
Predator, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon Five, or
computer games such as Halo, Call of Duty, Fall Out, Mech Warrior, Doom and others, as well as comics and graphic novels, especially
those in the illustrated adult graphic stories found in Heavy
Metal Magazine. Many of us, such as myself, are equally keen
on historic and fantasy material, specifically movies like
The Lord of the Rings, Willow, Troy, Conan, King Arthur, and
the Kingdom of Heaven to mention only a few, and have all
been fans of the Conan comics, and been players and GMs for
dozens of other role-playing game systems.
did we decide to produce a post apocalyptic game instead of
a fantasy or science fiction game? Actually, we do have a
fantasy setting and Hub Rules book on the backburner which
our core group played for many years, but in our early
meetings decided against trying to compete with the
massively popular Dungeons & Dragons
nor did we feel comfortable with the d20 rules and the
licensing issues. I suppose one aspect of our mission is to
get a fan base for The Mutant Epoch prior to launching our
fantasy RPG, which uses the same Outland System TM gaming
mechanic so that characters can cross between worlds through
either mutations, spells, time machines, worm holes or other
doorways between settings.
For the meantime, we simply want to
make the best products possible and earn the support of a
loyal, well rewarded, fan base.
Best regards and
happy adventuring,
Will McAusland
Creative Director |