What's the
Mutant Epoch about?
Objective of Game Play

How does The
Mutant Epoch differ from other RPGs as far as the objectives
of play are concerned? If you are unfamiliar with role
playing game in the first place, visit this page:
Huh? Role
The Mutant Epoch, the goals of play, beyond the obvious ones
of having fun, cooperative storytelling, entertainment and
camaraderie with fellow players, is for your character to
survive. Often, the meaning of survival goes beyond just
seeing your character make it through the session, but
rather, that his or her faction, community, family, friends,
and strain of humanity survive. From all sides, there are
enemies which strive to see your kind wiped out and they
would do so were it not for the brave few who stand in their
way. Of course, characters may be perceived as mere
excavators, little more than grave robbers, salvagers and
looters of the ancient places. At low rank, this is often a
true appraisal of an adventure team; however, as the PCs
(player characters)
grow in prowess, recover better gear, make alliances and
secure strongholds, they will see their role shift. As
mentioned above, they will see their objectives changing
from personal survival to the survival of their community or
faction, their role changing from selfish survivalist to
heroic champion. The twisted new era is exceedingly
dangerous, and even the most independent, robust and well
equipped digger or squad of excavators needs a place to
retreat to, where they can heal up, buy food and water,
trade their unwanted loot, gather regional news, enlist
replacement adventurers, get assignments from patrons, and
form mutually beneficial alliances. Without these
communities, the characters would have little hope of
survival, thus it is their main motivation, at higher rank,
to protect and improve their home town, or even to establish
their own fortified base camp and reclaim a few square
kilometers of the lawless, wild lands which cover much of
the world.
objective of playing the Mutant Epoch will of course differ
from person to person, and also between players and the game
master. Each person sitting at the table will have different
goals depending on their own life experiences, exposure to
popular books, films, computer games, other RPGs and what
they want to get out of the campaign. Some players are more
interested in combat action, while some prefer exploration
and uncovering ancient sites, still others are into
interaction with fellow player characters or GM controlled
non-player characters.
game master, or GM, will have the most challenging and
rewarding role in the game, as he or she must be the ‘window
to the world’ for the players, speak and act on behalf of
all the NPCs (non-player characters) and creatures, control
the weather and create the necessary elements for a
memorable and exciting gaming session. Given the duties the
GM must perform, he or she will obviously have a separate
set of game objectives, paramount of these is to see his or
her efforts at adventure crafting well rewarded,
entertaining for all, fun to host and open enough to inspire
calls for further sessions.
You can follow along with the
progress of the production and release new books, gaming
aides, art and fiction either by
our mailing list
, following us on twitter at
or subscribing to our the Mutant epoch blog at
mutantepoch.blogspot.com ....

► Quick Overview (a brief glimpse of the entire setting and game in a
two minute read.) ►
The Outland System Game Mechanic ►
Dice Usage:
The Mutant Epoch:: A preview of the Outland
System RPG game mechanic. ►
Character Generation ►
Rank Gain (character
advancement) ► Combat:
The Mutant Epoch:: A preview of the Outland
System RPG game mechanic. ►
Objective of Game Play ►
The Mutant Epoch Setting |